Malachi heading south. Nov. 17 2007 we anchor behind Punta Colnett. Anchorage is open to the south and west, some swell but not too bad.
Nov. 18 we anchor in San Quintin Bay. Heavy swell 15 + knots of wind in the early evening.
Two nights earlier there were two Canadian boats anchored in the bay. As the story goes a whale started to rub up against the first boat, a large power boat called "Misty Michael". Then the whale goes over to the sail boat "Paesano" and rubs up against it, then it swims away. Later on in the night the whale comes back to Paesano and starts rubbing again harder this time. Now the boat is rocking back and forth the whale is moving closer to the rudder so they start the motor thinking that might scare it away. No luck, so they get out a spot light and shine it on the whale, no luck there either. Now they are starting to get pretty scared, as they are only anchored in 14' of water and did not want the whale to get tangled in the anchor chain or cause damage. Next they tried hitting the water with a paddle, ah ah that seems to work the whale swims away, but turns around and charges the boat at full speed, stops short of the boat and then swims away. Holy $%@# is that close.
We leave San Quintin at 07:00 am heading for a long leg to Turtle Bay 135 nm away.
We motor and sail that day/night and through the next day, passing Cedros Island in the afternoon. We are hoping to arrive in Turtle bay before dark but no luck, we anchor in the dark at 19:00 hrs. That ends that day.
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