Friday, January 2, 2009

San Carlos -getting ready to go 2008

San Carlos Bay

Our boat is being shipped down the highway to the marina. We are riding along.

In an effort to provide a bit more insight from the co-captian of ourboat, I will try and add some info to the messages we send out.How are we doing? After a couple weeks of work on the boat we areboth feeling happy and are trying to relax now that we are in thewater. San Carlos is a nice little town, primarily owned by Americansout of Tuson. It is warm here - usually 80's in the day and 60's atnight and the sun shines every day. There are good restaurants, myfavorite is the Palapa on the beach where they serve fresh fish, Greekfood (yes Greek) and Mexican. We have gone a couple nights for dinnerand looked at the stars and listened to the surf.
Right now we are on a mooring ball in the bay. It is busy because ofthe fishermen. The Humbolt (Giant) squid are running right now andthere are Sienna and Tuna. There was a fellow just cleaning aboutten tuna on the dock (I'm doing laundry at the little restaurant).The wind picks up in the afternoon, but the mornings and evenings arecalm and beautiful.

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