Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2009-2010 sailing season

NOV. 2009 TO MAY 2010

Same old same old, we had planned on doing pretty much what we did last year. Of course plans and actual events are some times very different.

We arrived in San Carlos in mid Nov. We launched our boat an then decided to run over to Guymas, pull our mast and boom, strip all of the gear off of them, strip all of the paint and then had Franscico do a paint job. That took us until the 19th of Dec. We sailed south to Mazatlan and had Xmas with our friends. From there down to Manzanillo for a few months of R&R. Sailed up to Bandaras Bay (Puerto Vallarta) to sail with our good friends Pam and Steve on Full Quiver and did the regatta. 3 days of practice and 3 days of racing pretty much exhausted all of us. Mid march we sailed north to San Blas and then across the Sea of Cortez to go to our nephew's wedding. Below are a few pictures of the wedding and some of the sites that we had on our way north.

Day of sailing with the family

Beautiful bride Cyrstal

finally a day of rest !!!!!

Puerto Esconditio, Whale shark is about 14 feet long swimming off of the bow of our boat.

Punta Chivato on the Baja. Last night before we crossed over to San Carlos

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